Wednesday, December 21, 2011

School is out!


Unfortunately, I still have homework. Sigh.
Lemon drops didn't come out well unfortunately, in fact, they never came out at all. It seems my mother's trust in my ability to cook is about the same as my trust in her parental abilities.
I had to make due with putting together a candy stocking, I'm not happy about that. Not happy at all.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Making lemon drop candies

A friend of mine gave me a Christmas gift the other day, asking for nothing in return. Unfortunately for her, I dislike not returning an act of kindness, and after bothering her in what she would like in return for a while, I got my answer. A stick. A stick with cloth padding to be exact. Out of fear of what she will use this stick for, and on what it is used on, I plan on making some lemon drop candies instead.

Seems safer.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

MLP:FiM S2:E11

That was an awesome episode, loving the british Spike and the song at the end. Not to mention Fluttershy being absolutely adorable within 20 seconds of the episode.
 I'm excited at the thought of there being a possible New Years episode, but I think that might have been Winter Wrap Up.

Confound these ponies, they drive me to trying to understand their ways. :I